The Samurai Spirit and the Art of Giving Back – Walking A New Path with Enson Inoue

“I’m lucky to be alive today because I live by the Yatimoto-damashii code!”
Yamatodamashii – Missions to the North (Courtesy of Till Scheel of Gorilla Photo)
Japan’s symbiotic relationship of old and new in one of the foremost ultra- modern and densely populated mega-cities on the planet is a fascinating dichotomy. Among the futuristic manga-robot shows and Pokemon addicted teens’ still resides a hidden code of the Samurai. Is this symbolic Samurai spirit a fading tradition in contemporary Japan? Inoue is a man that believes it’s ethos still has a seminal place in modern day Japan.
“If you accept it in your heart that your going to die, a broken arm is nothing, your excepting death now, you’re accepting to die in the ring that day!”
Symbols of Japanese culture & enlighten warrior script are woven into Enson’s skin
Enson Inoue smiled a kind smile and shook my hand in a gentle manner. A sudden flash-back came to mind, that was the right hand that rocked Frank Shamrock and attached to that is the tank-like body that beat Randy Couture with what can only be described as an atomic-arm-bar from hell. Enson is a fair sized man. 5’11, (1,80m) 210 lbs, (95 kg) frame which is placed upon a heavily tattooed plated upper body that appears to be wider than the Seikan tunnel.
“The reason I got into the ring, because I wanted to build myself as a man.”
Enson finishing Randy Couture with an atomic arm-bar from hell
Symbols of Japanese culture & enlighten warrior script are woven into Enson’s skin in the form of highly illustrated body ink. These imposing tattoos appear to be a reflection of his inward samurai code. This intent was indeed backed up by his many wins in tournaments around the world. His ‘fight or die’ approach got the attention of his Japanese peers. They honored him with the rare title, “Yatimoto-damashii”, meaning “the brave, daring and indomitable spirit of Japanese people”.
“Floyd Mayweather finds happiness buying nice cars, I find happiness in seeing the smiles on peoples faces, which I think lasts longer.”
Facing off with Enson with a verbal combination – Round 1- ©TonyStokesPhotography2017
Enson is a softly spoken man with a tone of conviction and forwardness. He owns the space he is in and emanates edgy confidence that one can only earn the hard way. This inner duality was fascinating and I wanted to explore his sometimes conflicting warrior past with his new altruistic path.
Enson then explained, he once had a run-in with the Japanese Mafia aka ‘Yakusa’ (literally meaning – ‘The Extreme Path’) over a member who had been running his mouth off in connection to one of Enson’s training camps.
Enson tracked down the man and beat him like a gypsy’s quilt, but was kind enough to hold his life-drained body off the ground. Not unlike an adult Tiger playing with its cub, Inoue was careful to not cross a line. He showed respect even in the mists of handing out some personal discipline, that no dough, left its receiver looking rougher than a dogs bark. After a discussion with some of the mafia member’s, it was agreed that this younger member was out of line and all was forgotten.
“The pilgrimage opened up the idea of making me realize how wonderful it feels to actually help people”
Enson Inoue surveying the damage after the 2011 Tohoku disaster
In a time gone-by, any form of disrespect shown to a member of the Yakuza is usually dealt with the self-inflicted cutting-off the end of the persons own little finger at the first knuckle, which was then wrapped in cloth and handed to the offended senior member. I then noticed that Enson has all his fingers, so a second career in piano playing is still on the cards.
We mused over past attitudes in the reflection of today’s social-tends of self- imposed online authority and a lack of accountability shown by today’s online world. Enson agreed, “It’s a time of trolling and keyboard warriors, it used to be a time when, if a man had a problem with you they would either talk “man to man” or sort it out and it was finished, now they just troll you”. Not suggesting that we should go around cutting off the ends of these cowards little fingers for trolling, but in retrospect, it might slow down their words-per-minute type count!
The fighting life is now a thing of Enson’s past and he has no interest in stepping back in the arena. In his book entitled ‘Live like a Man, Die Like A Man, Become A Man’, echoing a narrative of change, redemption, self- empowerment and helping others.
‘Live like a Man, Die Like A Man, Become A Man’
We moved on talking about Enson’s new love ‘The Japan Walk’. Making trips by foot across Japan and giving back to local people who need help along the way. Inoue also runs a Foundation assisting with the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami and earthquake relief. This is an ongoing relocation program after the Tsunami left over 300,000 Japanese people homeless.
“They all have different types of properties for every type of stone”
Handmade bracelets by Enson Inoue which can be found on
We closed by discussing Enson’s other passion ‘Destiny Forever’. This is Enson another path to encourage spiritual healing through the use of quartz crystals. Enson renders and sells quartz stones which he skillfully crafts into attractive bracelets and personalizes each one into a unique artisan gift. These stones are said to contain varying positive energies which can help peoples emotions in times of stress.
Yamato-damashii Mission
“I want people to know, just because they are not in the news anymore, does not mean there still not hurting!”
Enson Inoue can be contacted at –
Story and Photo Credits: Tony Stokes
About the Author:
“Lone traveller, writer, photographer, martial artist, film maker and fourth dimensional digital dream-weaver. I dwell of the fringes of an alternative reality, why? Because that where the good stuff is. A wondering knight who enjoys finding out what makes people tick. Weather I’m asking someone personal questions in a pod-cast or asking them even more personal questions in real life, its all about getting to the root of it all. In the end its, about the process not the product and the process, is in the here and now.” – Tony Stokes ; )
Check out and follow his pages “No Words Necessary” on Youtube Podcast Channel and Twitter
Tags: discipline, enson inoue, mma, respect, ufc