Corporate videos and official pictures for your activity to make your business shine.
Talk about your facilities, teaching skills and experiences on camera. The footage will be combined with your premises and classes action in a catchy editing with engaging music.
Make your promotional videos to showcase your activities to be published at your liking. While it will be your property we’ll help you to make it more popular by sharing it in our networks.
Keep your catalog updated with official pictures for Social Media posting or, even better use, Graphic Creations for any occasion (posters, fliers, website..).
With a set of standard images you can let your graphics work right away and with the best quality for the job.

Mixing Services
Your finished presentation video can be easily used in one of our events for extra advertising during LIVE Streaming or Premiere.
Our packages range between a simple 1 minute video reel to a 2-5 minutes long clips that can be used for any occasion.
Either a quick flashy premises and activity highlights or a detailed and entertaining full demonstration.
Pictures of your Gym and Activity can also be easily used for posters and more event related graphics.
We can make your 2-5 video presentation starting from just 5,000B. Get in touch with us so we can create your customized solution to showcase your Gym and skills.