Shinkyokushinkai Karate Thailand

Since 2011 “Shinkyokushinkai Thailand” is well recognized for its originality of the Kyokushin Karate style in Thailand.
In the Shinkyokushinkai Dojo in Thong Lor you can attend group classes of different levels and ages.
Sosay Masutatsu Oyama founded Kyokushin Karate in 1964.
What is Shinkyokushinkai Karate
Budo, which literally can mean to stop the fight, made the essence of karate.
Kyokushin Karate is an authentic and traditional stye contact karate originating in Japan.
Shinkyokushinkai embraces Khion (techniques), Kata (combat forms similar to TaiChi) and also places a strong emphasis on kumite an sparring.

Masutatsu (Mas) Oyama was born on the 27th of July, 1923.
At University in Japan he noticed some students training in Okinawan Karate.
As this activity interested him very much, he went to train at the dojo of Gichin Funakoshi at Takushoku University, where he learned what is today known as Shotokan Karate.
His training progress was such that by the age of seventeen he was already a 2nd dan. By the time he entered the Japanese Imperial Army at 20, he was a fourth dan.
When he was 23 years old, Mas Oyama met Eiji Yoshikawa, the author of the novel “Musashi” which is based on the life and exploits of Japan’s most famous Samurai.
Both the novel and the author helped to teach Mas Oyama about the Samurai Bushido code and what it meant.
That same year, Oyama went to Mt. Minobu Oyama thought that this would be an appropriate place to commence the rigours of training he had planned for himself.
His training was fanatical! 12 hours a day every day with no rest days, standing under (cold) buffeting waterfalls, breaking river stones with his hands, using trees as makiwara, jumping over rapidly growing flax plants hundreds of times each day.
Each day also included a period of study of the ancients classics on the Martial arts, Zen, and philosophy, and after eighteen months he came down fully confident of himself, and able to take control of his life. The society around him would never influence him so heavily never again.
In 1950, Mas Oyama started testing (and demonstrating) his power by fighting bulls. In his life, he fought 52 bulls, three of which were killed instantly, and 49 had their horns taken off with knife hand blows.
Then, in 1952, he travelled to the United States for a year, demonstrating his karate live on national television. During subsequent years, he took on all challengers, resulting in fights with 270 different people.
Just one punch was necessary to defeat the vast majority of these challengers! A fight never lasted more than three minutes, and most rarely lasted more than a few seconds.
His fighting principle was simple: “If he got through to you, that was it. If he hit you, you broke. If you blocked a rib punch, your arm was broken or dislocated. If you didn’t block, your rib was broken”.
He became known as the Godhand, a living manifestation of the Japanese warriors’ maxim Ichi geki, Hissatsu or “One strike, certain death”.
To him, this was the true aim of technique in karate. The fancy footwork and intricate techniques were secondary (though he was also known for the power of his head kicks).

Oyama also created the Young Lions, a Kyokushin uchi deshi or “live-in student” program. The students trained daily with Mas Oyama for one and a half years. Eventually an uchi deshi’s time became “1000 days for the beginning”.
Some of his Uchi Deshi went on to become famous world champions, like Nicholas Pettas and Judd Reid.
Other notable Kyokushin practitionars are; Georges St Pierre, Dolph Lungren, Andy Hug, Norichika Tsukamoto & Valery Dimitrov.
The World Headquarters were officially opened in June 1964 with the name Kyokushin (meaning “Ultimate truth”).
From then, Kyokushin continued to spread to more than 120 countries, and registered members exceed 10 million making it one of the largest martial arts organizations in the world
Address: Waterford building 53 park , Tong Lo soi 5 ( BTS Tong Lo)
Facebook: ShinkyokushinThailand