Japan Karate Federation Wado Kai Karate Shiramizu Syuyoukai Chiang Mai

At the Japan Karate Federation Wado Kai Karate Shiramizu Syuyoukai Chiang Mai , you can learn and practice the style of karate known as Japan Karate-do Federation Wado Kai, For short, JKF Wado Kai karate.
As indicated by the name, this vision of Wado Ryu karate is recognized by the Japan Karate-do Federation as one of the four main traditional karate styles of Japan.
Wado Ryu karate was formulated by Hironori Otsuka. Mr. Otsuka was well versed in Shindo Yoshin Ryu jiujitsu when, in the early 1920’s, he watched a performance of what became known as karate.

This performance was led by Gichin Funakoshi, the person that formulated Shotokan karate. By melding together techniques, ideas, and principles of Shindo Yoshin Ryu and Shotokan, Hironori Otsuka made his style of karate, which he later named Wado Ryu Jujutsu Kenpo.
Practice include the JKF Wado Kai katas. In addition, we have basic katas to help learn movement, coordination, and balance.
The JKF Wado Kai katas are Pinans Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, and Godan. The more advanced katas are: Kushanku, Naihanchi, Seishan, Chinto, Bassai, Niseishi, Wanshu, Jion, Jitte, and Rohai.
In addition to the katas performed by one person, there are two person kumite katas called Kihon Kumite Kata.

UPDATE: 25 November, 2018, Japan Karate Institute Wado Kai became:
We are still a branch dojo of Japan Karate Federation Wado Kai and under the group of SHIRAMIZU SYUYOUKAI dojos founded by ARAKAWA TAKAMASA and with headquarters in Sugito, Saitama, Japan.
We have been taught in Japan by ARAKAWA TAKAMASA since 2007, and we have been a branch dojo of JKF Wado Kai since 21 June, 2008.
Our training locations are at the Main Gymnasium of Chiang Mai University and the clubhouse at Ban Wang Tan, which is off the Chiang Mai-Hang Dong Road in Chiang Mai.

Website: www.shiramizu-thailand.com
Email: admin@shiramizu-thailand.com
Map: Chiang Mai University Main Gymnasium https://goo.gl/maps/EjvKvidHG7M2
Map: Ban Wang Tan Clubhouse https://goo.gl/maps/o21A2SjPFj22