Wing Chun X Academy Thailand
Sifu Xuan’s understanding of Wing Chun is set to revolutionize how people view traditional martial arts and sets a new standard for Wing Chun schools in Thailand.We go all the way with depth and detail
Sifu Xuan’s understanding of Wing Chun is set to revolutionize how people view traditional martial arts and sets a new standard for Wing Chun schools in Thailand.We go all the way with depth and detail
MEET BANGKOK’S MOST EVIDENT MMA TEAMEstablished in Bangkok on April 3rd 2017, YORKY Mixed Martial Arts Team quickly grew to be notorious for their aggressive, no nonsense & honest reputation in the public eye. Founded
Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak was originated in Indonesia by Pak Serak, a physically challenged person who was able to develop this incredible fighting style using leverages and minor power so he could stop any opponent
Tree Roots Retreat is the vision of Founder Aaron Le Boutillier who believed mindfulness, movement and meditation could be experienced through the martial arts, cardio vascular intense exercises and the beauty of architecture, landscaping and
For our 4th episode we’ve met Christophe Clugston with all of his experience in Combat Science, as he likes to call it. Founder of the “Clugston Combat Systems” Christophe has a long story of training,
This time we are asking to Professor Dominique Fontanarosa what’s his Style. Dominique Fontanarosa is one of the most respectful figures among combat trainers in Thailand and worldwide. He started young with his national combat
“What’s your Style?” is taking us to India to let Shifu Kanishka Sharma explain what he knows from his own experience and what you can learn from him. Shifu Kanishka Sharma comes periodically to Thailand and
For our first episode of “What’s your Style?” we’ve interviewed Mr.Leigh Harris with his Filipino Martial Arts experience. Leigh Harris is teaching at the Boxer Rebellion Gym among with other great instructors. Contacts: Boxer Rebellion – Clark
Thai fighting schools are generally engaged in Muay Thai or in Muay Boran classes as sports. Some schools may teach Muay Chaya or other local Muay Thai styles but Muay Lerdrit (or more commonly known as
Many traditional martial arts are really fascinating with those gentle and strong coordinated movements. Katas or form training are the basics for the students to proper learn stances, movements, timing, breathing, concentration of particular moves.